Aww, nuts.
Two of them.
A pair.
Two weeks ago Augustus went to the vet for his first checkup. All is well with him.
This afternoon we took Snowdon for hers. All is well with her as well. Or...almost.
She's not a she. She's a he.
Looks like the fellows we got our rabbits from have a little bit to learn in the science of sexing.
This perhaps explains the fighting two weeks ago - they were sorting out dominance, rather than it being unwanted lurve-thoughts on Augustus's part.
Good news: we don't have to keep them separated for months til they get fixed. Bad news: I'm just praying they get this dominance thing sorted out under strict supervision with minimal scrapping and then get over it.
I thought I might need to change Snowdon's name; after all, she (..he. Sorry) was named after my great-grandmother. However, the most famous Snowdon of all is Lord Snowdon who is very definitely a He. So now our little girl is a little boy. Lord Lambchop Snowdon.
New illusion exhibition
2 months ago